Spectrum 1107 Black Glaze

Spectrum 1107 Black Glaze

Manufacturer: Spectrum Glazes
Ship Weight: 2 lbs., 4.00000 oz.
From $11.50 to $62.00
Glaze in the Spectrum Cone 4/6 Stoneware Glaze Series.
From $11.50 to $62.00

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Product Details

Certified AP Non-Toxic, Conforms to ASTM D-4236 Glaze in the Spectrum Cone 4/6 Stoneware Glaze Series.

This glaze is designed to fit cone 4/6 stoneware and porcelain clay bodies. Apply three brush coats to cone 06 bisque or greenware. Let dry and fire glaze to cone 4/6. Thin with water if necessary.

The appearance of reactive glazes may vary with changes in glaze thickness, firing temperature or clay body.

Note: Clear glaze requires only one or two brush coats.

(1) Dinnerware safe. Contains no lead or cadmium ingredients. Certified AP Non-Toxic and conforms to ASTM D-4236.

Caution: Product should be not be taken internally. Contains ingredients not suitable for ingestion or inhalation.

Note: In order for glazes labeled (1), (2), or (5) to be dinnerware safe, they must be fired to recommended firing temperature.

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