Discontinued Mason Stain Conversions

The table below contains formula information from Mason Color Works regarding the formulation of their discontinued Stains. A listing of Mason Stains available for purchase can be found here.

To make Pigment Name Color/Material Percentage (%) Color/Material Percentage (%) Color/Material Percentage (%) Color/Material Percentage (%)
6002 Rose Pink 6001 25 6003 75
6004 Crimson600382600618
6005Deep Crimson600364600636
6023Clover Pink600175637625
6029Persimmon606540610720FZ14 Fusion Frit40
6031Deep Salmon600325612575
6163Terra Cotta611720612980
6211Pea Green637838640462
6224Dark Green620075622625
6246Blue Green626866632017EPK17
6265Leaf Green620467621933
6303Deep Orchid60012460033860068630830
6331 Orchid 6001 90 6306 10
6332 Orchid 6001 82 6306 18
6333 Lavender 6001 20 6067 60 6306 20
6387 Mulberry 6003 84 6389 16
6392 Dusty Lavender 6001 50 6376 50
6307 Pastel 6308 16 6700 84
6343 Mediterranean 6305 50 6339 50
6350 Bright Blue 6374 85 6339 15
6373 Turquoise 6305 8 6376 75 Tin Oxide 17
6378 Zr-V Blue 6315 50 6374 50
6386 Navy Blue 6300 91 6600 9
6391 Zr-V Blue 6315 90 6374 10
6393 Turquoise 6307 7 6378 76 6404 17
6396 Peacock 6371 20 6376 80
6506 Pearl 6540 27 6600 9 Tin Oxide 64
6515 Soft Medium Grey 6666 6 6700 94
6523 Soft Green Grey 6609 6 6700 94
6527 Shadow 6003 6 6503 94
6528 Charcoal Cal-Tin 70 6600 30
6530 Silver 6600 10 Tin 90
6537 Mouse 6003 9 6650 14 6700 77
6572 Neutral 6650 4 6790 96
6573 Rose Taupe 6001 20 6464 20 6572 60
6601 Velvet Black 6300 25 6600 75
6336 Peacock 6398 25 2820 Flux 75
6302 Cadet 6305 22 2820 Flux 78
6022 Shrimp Pink K-7002 50 Superpax 32 6097 Red 14 6374 Turquoise 4
6024 Orange 6028 18 6410 37 Superpax 11 325mesh Silica 34
6033 Sunset K-7002 67 325mesh Silica 23 6374 10
6531 Slate K-2822 85 6600 10 6650 5
6540 Blue-Gray 2820 Flux 38 Cal-Tin 31 2822 Blue 26 6657 Black 5
6226 Dark Leaf 6268 38 6666 13 K-5890 Bisque 49
6052 Doll Flesh 6020 79 6103 21
6065 Chrome Alumina FIRED COLOR
6122 Cedar FIRED COLOR
6123 Saddle FIRED COLOR
6125 Leather FIRED COLOR
6133 Sorrel FIRED COLOR
6134 Red Brown FIRED COLOR
6166 Camel Beige FIRED COLOR
6234 Myrtle FIRED COLOR
6244 Deep Sea FIRED COLOR
6296 Dark Spruce FIRED COLOR
6330 Cobalt Aluminate FIRED COLOR
6398 Deep Peacock FIRED COLOR
6389 Sapphire FIRED COLOR
6433 Pr Yellow FIRED COLOR REPLACE W/6450
6440 Vanadium FIRED COLOR REPLACE W/6404
6609 Black FIRED COLOR
6616 Chrome Free Black FIRED COLOR