Δ LOW: Cone 06 - 04 Clays

Certified Nontoxic, Conforms to ASTM C-1023/D-4236

Note: Axner, Laguna and Miller Clays are formulated and categorized to perform as ^06, ^5 and ^10. Most clay can be successfully fired at varying temperatures (1 to 2 cones) above and below their indicated firing ranges. Variables do exist and testing must be done to ensure clay meets an individual's needs or circumstances.

Products In This Category

Displaying products 1 - 8 of 8 results

Smooth, plastic, talc-free white firing clay, suitable for throwing and sculpture. Ideal for beginners and schools.

This clay has the same properties as Miller #10 but with medium grog added for larger thrown and sculpture pieces. Lower shrinkage.

A smooth, plastic, white body with a small percentage of talc to create an optimum glaze fit.

A smooth, plastic, terra cotta colored clay for wheel throwing and excellent for handbuilding as well. Fires to a rich terra cotta red.

#20-G has the same properties as Miller #20 with a fine grog added for slightly less shrinkage and improved workability.

This is an all-Purpose, smooth low fire clay. It is excellent for throwing and hand building techniques. It is very white when fired and has excellent glaze fit.

A smoother version of the WC635 Miller #200 Raku Clay. This is a LOW FIRE RAKU clay body. Do not fire past low fire.

Fires gray-stony white in reduction at cone 10, off white at cone 8 oxidation, and bright white at cone 05 (raku). A rough textured, low shrinkage body designed for large-scale handbuilding and tiles.