Δ LOW: Cone 06 - 04 Clays
Note: Axner, Laguna and Miller Clays are formulated and categorized to perform as ^06, ^5 and ^10. Most clay can be successfully fired at varying temperatures (1 to 2 cones) above and below their indicated firing ranges. Variables do exist and testing must be done to ensure clay meets an individual's needs or circumstances.
Products In This Category
 Smooth, plastic, talc-free white firing clay, suitable for throwing and sculpture. Ideal for beginners and schools.
 This clay has the same properties as Miller #10 but with medium grog added for larger thrown and sculpture pieces. Lower shrinkage.
 A smooth, plastic, white body with a small percentage of talc to create an optimum glaze fit.
 A smooth, plastic, terra cotta colored clay for wheel throwing and excellent for handbuilding as well. Fires to a rich terra cotta red.
 #20-G has the same properties as Miller #20 with a fine grog added for slightly less shrinkage and improved workability.
 This is an all-Purpose, smooth low fire clay. It is excellent for throwing and hand building techniques. It is very white when fired and has excellent glaze fit.
 A smoother version of the WC635 Miller #200 Raku Clay.
This is a LOW FIRE RAKU clay body. Do not fire past low fire.
 Fires gray-stony white in reduction at cone 10, off white at cone 8 oxidation, and bright white at cone 05 (raku). A rough textured, low shrinkage body designed for large-scale handbuilding and tiles.