
In July 2017, the asset purchase of Axner.com by Terrakotta Inc. was completed. Terrakotta, Inc., allows Axner.com to continue a history of being a family owned company and is committed to continue to deliver the quality products and service that you have come to expect.

In July 2006, Axner Pottery Supply merged with Laguna Clay Company.

Along with Terrakotta, Inc., these three organizations share a common philosophy based on consistency. Consistent product, consistent service and consistent value to our customers. Drawing from the respective resources and strengths of Terrakotta, Inc., Laguna, and Axner will allow us to expand both domestically and globally, and those combined assets will ensure that our customers receive the very best that our industry has to offer.

Axner Pottery Supply, founded in 1978 by working potter Howard Axner; Axner.com now boasts the longest running ceramic supply webstore!

Our mission is to serve you, our customer, in a way that exceeds your expectations. This site is part of that commitment. Unlike other online stores, Axner.com is backed by a finely tuned "bricks and mortar" organization. Think of us as the "'clicks and mortar"' online ceramic source.

We strive to get all orders out as soon as possible.

Our commitment to you is also reflected in our staff who are well trained, knowledgeable, courteous and ready to answer your questions and help you to fulfill your needs. Several of our employees are accomplished potters. Others are currently taking pottery lessons.

Through the asset acquisition by Terrakotta, Inc. and the previous merger with Laguna Clay Company; our manufacturing arm continues to manufacture Oxygen Probes, Ware-Carts, and Raku Kilns and Front Loading Gas Kilns. In addition to equipment we manufacture Axner Premium Clay, Axner Underglaze Pens and Axner Glaze/Overglaze Pens.

Put Axner to work for you by or by calling us at 800-843-7057 (outside U.S. and Canada call 407-365-2600), or by faxing us at 407-365-7135, or contacting us through standard mail at 490 Kane Court, Oviedo FL 32765, U.S.A.

Axner Potter Supply - Distributor of Pottery and Ceramic Supplies

Outstanding Value

Superb Service

Quality Products